Ways to soften cuticles

Cuticles are one of the essential things about your nails. If you don’t pay any attention to your nails, they will get dry, and it does not look great on your nails. Damaged cuticles can lead to a different fungal infection which is not great for your health. Many DIY cuticle softeners are present in the market, which will help you get your cuticles soft.

Rather than buying some commercial products to fix gross cuticles, you can use many natural ingredients to help you with your beautiful nails. In this way, you can save money, and there is no worry about the side effects.

Following are some ways to soften cuticles by using the natural ingredients in your kitchen. All the following methods are effective for many women.

  • Soak nails in lemon water –

First, you have to take lukewarm water and squeeze a lemon into the water. It will add a slight acidity to the water. You have to soak your hands in the water for around 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, tap your arrows with the dry towel, which will remove access water. The cuticle stick pushes back your dry cuticles. You can also add honey to water for hydrating your nails.

soak nails

  • Dip your nails in vinegar –

This is one of the simple solutions to soften your nails. You have to take water with the white vinegar and dip your nails in the water for about 5 minutes. As we know that the vinegar is acidic, so if your hand is cut, then you shouldn’t dip your nails in the vinegar.

  • Coconut oil –

This is one of the great solutions to soften your cuticles. Coconut oil is commonly used for softening and strengthening the cuticles. Before you go to bed, you can massage coconut oil to your nails for about 5 minutes. Coconut oil also has an antibacterial property which you can use when you have a cut on your hand.